Saturday, September 17, 2011


" Membiarkan orang lain sahaja yang bermotivasi dalam 
memperolehi pahala bukanlah sifat orang yang beriman.
 Jangan biarkan kata-kata negatif orang terhadap sesuatu 
yang baik untuk akhirat anda, 
membantutkan semangat.
Jadikan ia pendorong dan motivasi. " 

" Cool wherever you are, but you think more than people are"

" You cannot climb the ladder with 
your hand in the pocket"

 " Inteligence of a man doesn't depends on how
much homework they complete,
but it depends on how much revision
he does "

P/S: try to be positive :)

1 comment:

  1. thanks 4 da quotes... kak yana pon tgah sangat2 mmelukan kata2 semangat dlm 2-3 minggu ni... :')
